What we do

For startups

Building a technology business is hard.

Whether you’re venture backed, privately funded, or bootstrapping your way to profitability, KickDrum provides immediate access to seasoned sales and marketing professionals.  We’ve all been where you are now and can help you get to the next stage.

We can operate from project to project or on a retainer basis to give you the right level of on-going support you need and your budget allows. Then as you grow we can quickly flex that skills mix as your needs change.

For fast growing technology businesses

Early stage hiring in sales and marketing is often a trade off.

Whether building your team at HQ, or looking to enter the UK and/or Europe for the first time, those first few “front of house” hires are critical.

When the budget only allows you to hire one or two people, inevitably the trade off is between hiring generalists able to turn their hand to a bit of everything, specialists who can do just one or two things well, or a senior leader whose practical skills may have long since become rusty or outdated and whose time is better spent elsewhere .

Working with KickDrum gives you access to a broad range of sales and marketing skills but on a “fractional” and on-demand basis. Get the right mix of experience and practical execution required, and take the pressure off hiring a full “in-house” team until the optimal moment.

For leading technology brands

Getting permanent headcount can be a challenge right now.

KickDrum Partners gives you immediate access to seasoned, experienced sales and marketing resources in B2B tech. We know your world, and likely already speak your language.

Entrust us to deliver the projects and campaigns that might otherwise never get off the ground and measure us by the results we deliver.